PPC Certification

Get certified while learning the art of Internet advertising

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Why you should choose PPC ?

  • 6.4
    Million companies use PPC worldwide
  • 18,000
    Average Salary in India for Freshers
  • 1000+
    reputed Indian firms acquiring PPC certified professionals
  • 27.3%
    organization uses PPC to promote their business online


  • Course Duration4 Weeks
  • Course Start5th March
  • Live Projects2+

Pay-per-click (PPC), otherwise called cost per click (CPC), is a web promoting model used to guide activity to sites, in which a sponsor pays a publisher, normally a website proprietor or a system of websites, when the advertisement is clicked. Pay-per-click is usually connected with first-level web indexes, (for example, Google AdWords and Microsoft Bing Ads). With web crawlers, promoters normally offer on keyword phrases significant to their objective market. Interestingly, content locales normally charge a settled cost per click instead of utilization an offering framework. PPC "show" notices, otherwise called "standard" ads, are appeared on sites with a related substance that have consented to indicate ads and are commonly not pay-per-click promoting. Informal communities, for example, Facebook and Twitter have likewise received pay-per-click as one of their publicizing models. Be that as it may, sites can offer PPC ads. Sites that use PPC ads will show a commercial when a keyword question coordinates a sponsor's keyword list that has been included diverse promotion gatherings, or when a substance site shows important substance. Such ads are called supported connections or supported ads, and seem nearby, above, or underneath natural outcomes on internet searcher results pages or anyplace a web developer picks on a substance webpage.


  • Basics of Google search and Paid Ad
  • Basic terms related to paid search
  • Overview of Google Ad Words, Microsoft Ad Center
  • Importance of Pay Per Click

  • Market Analysis of business
  • Targeting based on age, location, gender etc.

  • How to set objectives and goals
  • Campaign and Ad Creation
  • Ad Extensions
  • Various Keyword Match Types
  • Keyword Pad & IP Tracking
  • Understanding of advance functionality of account

  • Ad Words URL Advance and Dynamic keyword insertion
  • How to increase CTR lower costs
  • Quality score & Relevance score analyzing and how to improve
  • How to improve conversion rate and landing page relevancy

  • Customer Friendly UI design
  • Content management with all information including forms
  • Call to action button usage

  • Basics of bidding plans
  • Both types of bidding manual as well as automated
  • Bid Adjustment

  • PLA Ads Advance
  • Product listing for shopping websites


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Navneet Pandey

Much obliged to you DigiBask for thinking of this amazing course. I found out

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Anita Singh

Fantastic course extremely instructive thank you Digibask for having this course.

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Paid publicizing is a fundamental segment of the Digital promoting systems that organizations adjust to produce movement and set up a brand picture for themselves. Google Adwords is a publicizing stage empowering advertiser to demonstrate their ads on Google's web index result pages. An instructional class in Adwords will empower you to figure out how to define a procedure and an advertisement crusade as per your intended interest group. It will likewise make it simple for you to get affirmed in Google Adwords that will be a seal of endorsement of your capacities in this area.

This certification is an expert accreditation offered to suggest that you are an expert in the Adwords stage. It is a proof of your insight in this area. At the point when the market pioneer itself supports your aptitudes you have better odds of awing your customers and extending your Digital showcasing business. Being well versed in this accomplice program increases the value of your resume. It helps in winning the trust of your clients in your capacities to work in the web based showcasing field. It upgrades your activity prospects and gives you an edge over others.

There are tons of professional knowledge that we are offering here, not just Google Certification. Please checkout our Course Curriculum for in-depth knowledge of what we are offering.

Most Certainly! Every trainee will get future assistance if they seek for it and we will be happy to help them to the best of our ability.

Yes, definitely! We do provide study materials to provide supreme assistance so that we can able to convey our training programs specifically and ‘Yes’ they are included in the course fee.