Android Training

Unlock a distinct career path with our Android App Development Course

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Why you should choose Android ?

  • 67.8%
    of Mobile Phone user prefer Android OS
  • 18,000
    Average Salary in India for Freshers
  • 13.7%
    increase in Recruitment every year
  • 1000+
    New Indian Companies focussing in Android App Development
android training


  • Course Duration6 Weeks
  • Course Start1 March
  • Live Projects1+

Android App Development is the system by which distinct apps are made for portable devices running the Android operating system. Android applications can be composed utilizing Kotlin, Java, and C++ languages utilizing the Android programming development unit, while utilizing different languages is likewise believable. Upgrades to Android's SDK run inseparably with the general Android platform development. The SDK likewise bolsters more seasoned versions of the Android stage in the event that developers wish to focus on their applications at more seasoned gadgets. Development devices are downloadable components, so after one has downloaded the most recent version and stage, more seasoned stages and apparatuses can likewise be downloaded for similarity testing. Today, Android is the face of almost every brand in mobile phones and tablets. So, it only makes sense to learn such a course that will deal with this blooming technology and will represent the future. Moreover, with real business substances peering toward to draw in and move through mobiles, versatile application development is seeing a change. DigiBask offers a staggering Android App Development Course primarily focusses on programmers who are fresh in the industry. But the advance course module is equally competent in providing the expert programmer quite something to improve their skillset. Since DigiBask Training Centre is located in Kanpur, young programmers don't need to seek anyone else. This is an interactive android app development course designed with a practical approach to implementing this knowledge in live projects.


  • Introduction about Android
  • Environment Setup Android
  • How to Create AVD?
  • What is Android SDK?
  • The architecture of Android
  • What is API?
  • Name of OS
  • What is Emulator?
  • How many Types of Emulator Use in Android?
  • How Many Versions Use in Android OS?
  • Compiling and Running Application.
  • Features of Android.
  • Android Weights.
  • How to make different types of layout?
  • What is XML?Hard Code Android Programming.

  • Text View
  • Edit Text View
  • Button
  • Radio Button
  • Check Box
  • Toggle Button
  • Image Button
  • Image View
  • Progress Bar
  • Spinner
  • List View
  • Autocomplete Text View
  • Grid View
  • Custom Grid view
  • Progress Bar
  • Seek Bar
  • Analog and Digital Time 

  • What is Activity?
  • What is Activity Life Cycle?
  • What is Services?
  • What is Background Services?
  • What is the use of Broadcasting in Background Services?
  • What is Intent?
  • How many types of Intent Use in Android?
  • What is the use of Handler in Background Threads?

  • What is Material Design? 
  • Invention of Material Design
  • Which Lib. Use Material Design?
  • What is Toolbar in android?
  • Create Navigation Drawer Slide Menu 

  • Image View 
  • Image Button
  • Circular Image View 
  • 3rd Party Lib. Use Android SDK
  • Use of Listener

  • Open Camera Front and Back 
  • Open Gallery 
  • Parsing, Tokenizing and Formatting

  • How to make Sha1 key?
  • Access Google Map API key? 
  • Display Google Map Android Phone
  • Near Place API Android
  • Route API
  • Weather API

  • Java Script Object Notation Parsing
  • Types of Web Services
  • Permission Android
  • What is .JSON and .XML parsing?
  • Asynk Task with Different Method
  • Multiple Types Java Script Object Notation API
  • SQLITE Data Base use Android
  • Example: Writing program to connect with SQLite database

  • Working with Content Provider 
  • Share preferences 
  • How to pass data one class to another class

  • Working with Notification 
  • Custom Notification 
  • Push Notification

  • Android Animation
  • Fadein 
  • FadeOut
  • Bounce
  • Float
  • Page Movement Animation
  • Switch Animation
  • Rotate Animation 

  • Fetching data from Server using Volley Lib
  • Get Data from Server using Volley Lib
  • Post Data from Server using Volley Lib
  • Martial Design Lib 
  • Recycler View
  • Card view
  • Get Image from Server using Picasso Lib

  • How to Upload Application on Google Play Store


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Achyut Shukla

Initially, I was in a bit suspicious about how well I will learn Android in Kanpur.

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Anvita Pal

Fantastic course modules, Awesome faculties, placement cell is active, very good

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No prior programming knowledge is required. Although it would be beneficial if the learner does have some background programming experience.

Sure. That is the idea. Although there is always a room of improvement, you will surely learn the techniques to develop an App from scratch.

As per recent statistics, 67.8% of Mobile Phones Manufacturing Companies use Android Operating System. Therefore, app development companies always prefer Android OS as the majority of the audience use it. So, it is safe to say that learning Android over iOS will always be a profitable deal.

We convey detailed practical knowledge on a balanced premise so the learner will get appropriate attention. Flexible class timings for the comfort of working professionals. Also, as far as charges, we are substantially more affordable than numerous different training institutes in Kanpur.

Yes, Definitely. Although we believe our faculties are very capable of resolving any doubt or queries, we will be happy to provide one-on-one session exclusively for you.

Unquestionably, Yes. App Development is future technology. All the programming experiences that you have will eventually help you to understand the subject better than a rookie. Most importantly, you will have a brand-new career option that is blooming in the real world.